Container Grades#

Grades are describing security risk with containers that Red Hat provides through the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog.

architecture | String required

Image architecture.

current_grade | String required nullable

String parameters

enum A | B | C | D | E | F

Current image security grade based on current date and grading schedule.

freshness_grades | List[FreshnessGrade] required read-only

the grade based on applicable updates and time provided by PST CVE engine.

image_id | String required

Unique identifier for image.

tag | String required

Name of floating tag associated with the image.

next_drop_date | DateTime

A date when current grade drops.

image | RESTGetImage

URI to the container image.

Index management is not enabled on this collection.

edges.image | Container Image

Edge to related container image.

Parent arguments: [‘image_id’]

Uses GQL query: get_image

Example queries
    find_repository_grades_by_registry_path(registry: "example", repository: "example") {
        error {
        data {
            edges {
                image {
                    error {
                    data {