Operator Index#

List of operator indices from which operator bundle metadata are extracted to operatorBundles collection.

ocp_version | SemVer

OCP version, e.g. 4.5.

organization | String

Organization, as understood by iib, e.g. redhat-marketplace.

path | String

The docker path used to pull this index container, e.g. quay.io/foo/bar:v4.5.

end_of_life | DateTime

The date till the index image is valid

_id | ObjectID read-only

MongoDB unique _id

creation_date | DateTime read-only

The date when the entry was created. Value is created automatically on creation.

last_update_date | DateTime read-only

The date when the entry was last updated.


  • ocp_version: DESC

This index is used to find operator indices by OCP version.


  • organization: ASC

  • end_of_life: DESC

This index is used to find operator indices by organization and end of life.