Container Image Vulnerability#

Vulnerability present in the content that is installed in the image.

advisory_id | String required

String parameters

regex | ^\d{4}:\d{4}$

Advisory identifier.

advisory_type | String required

Advisory type (RHSA, RHBA, …).

cve_id | String required

String parameters

regex | ^CVE-\d{4}-\d{4,}$

ID of the CVE.

public_date | String required

Date the CVE was made public.

severity | String required

String parameters

enum Low | Moderate | Important | Critical

CVE severity.

object_type | String

String parameters

constant | containerImageVulnerability

packages | List[ContainerImageVulnerabilityPackage]

Array of package information applicable to this CVE. This array was superseded by affected_packages array.

affected_packages | List[ContainerImageVulnerabilityAffectedPackage]

List of packages affected by this CVE.

_id | ObjectID read-only

MongoDB unique _id

creation_date | DateTime read-only

The date when the entry was created. Value is created automatically on creation.

last_update_date | DateTime read-only

The date when the entry was last updated.


  • advisory_id: ASC

  • cve_id: ASC

  • image_id: ASC

  • unique: True

  • sparse: True

This unique index is used to find container image vulnerability by combination of advisory_id, cve_id and image_id.


  • image_id: ASC

  • severity: ASC

This index is used to find container image vulnerability by image_id and severity.