Operator Bundle#

An Operator Bundle is a container image that stores the Kubernetes manifests and metadata associated with an operator. A bundle is meant to represent a specific version of an operator.

alm_examples | List[ALMExample]

Specific information from the CSV requested by customer.

annotations | OperatorBundleAnnotation

A subset of the “metadata.annotations” object from the CSV. Any annotations that are in the “operators.openshift.io” namespace that are strings of JSON will be expanded if it is valid JSON. Namespaces are not preserved due to their usage of special characters and all dashes are converted to underscores for consistency with other fields.

architectures | List[String]

List of all supported architectures. An empty list means that architectures are unknown as CSV doesn’t include architecture labels.

bundle | String

The ‘bundle’ is the operator representation of a version of operator metadata. There is one bundle per operator/package channel for a particular OpenShift version.

bundle_path | String

Pullspec of the operator bundle e.g. quay.io/foo/bar@sha256:digest.

bundle_path_digest | String nullable

Digest from the bundle_path.

capabilities | List[String]

Specific information from the CSV requested by customer.

channel_name | String

The channel for which this bundle is being released, e.g. “amq-streams-1.5.x.

csv_name | String

Full name of the package. Usually consists of package_name.version.

csv_display_name | String

A public name to identify the Operator.

csv_description | String

A thorough description of the Operator’s functionality in form of a markdown blob.

csv_metadata_description | String

Short description of the CRD and operator functionality.

in_index_img | Boolean

Indicate if the bundle is in an index image.

install_modes | List[OperatorBundleInstallMode]

Specific information from the CSV requested by customer.

is_default_channel | Boolean

If true then the channel is the default for this package, false otherwise.

latest_in_channel | Boolean

Indicate that the bundle is the latest version of a package in a channel for its associated OCP version (index image).

ocp_version | SemVer

Specific OCP version for this bundle, e.g. “4.5”.

organization | String

Organization as understood by iib, e.g. “redhat-marketplace”.

package | String

The name of the operator, e.g. “amq-streams”.

provided_apis | List[ProvidedAPIsItems]

Specific information from the CSV requested by customer. Should correspond with values from alm_examples.

related_images | List[RelatedImagesItems]

Specific information from the CSV requested by customer.

source_index_container_path | String

Where this bundle was collected from, e.g. “quay.io/foo/bar:v4.5”.

version | SemVer

The operator version for this bundle

version_original | String

Original version of the bundle, used to recognize semver validity.

replaces | String nullable

Name of operator which the bundle replaces.

skips | List[String]

List of skipped updates. See OLM upgrades documentation for more details.

skip_range | String nullable

String describing skipped versions.

provider | String nullable

String describing bundle provider

_id | ObjectID read-only

MongoDB unique _id

creation_date | DateTime read-only

The date when the entry was created. Value is created automatically on creation.

last_update_date | DateTime read-only

The date when the entry was last updated.


  • bundle_path_digest: ASC

This index is used to find Operator bundle by bundle_path_digest.


  • related_images.digest: ASC

This index is used to find Operator bundle by related_images.digest.


  • package: ASC

  • csv_name: ASC

  • channel_name: ASC

  • ocp_version: ASC

This index is used to find Operator bundle by package, csv_name, channel_name and ocp_version.


  • package: ASC

  • organization: ASC

This index is used to find Operator bundle by package and organization.


  • creation_date: DESC

This index is used to find Operator bundle by creation_date.


  • csv_display_name: ASC

  • organization: ASC

This index is used to find Operator bundle by csv_display_name and organization.


  • csv_name: ASC

This index is used to find Operator bundle by csv_name.


  • channel_name: ASC

This index is used to find Operator bundle by channel_name.


  • source_index_container_path: ASC

  • related_images.digest: ASC

This index is used to find Operator bundle by related_images.digest and source_index_container_path.